Owen Newman - Counselling and Psychotherapy

Counselling & psychotherapy in West Hampstead NW3 & online

When we're trying to cope with situations and experiences that are difficult for us, it's easy to find ourselves reacting in ways we don't like or want but can't seem to stop or change.

Owen Newman CBT counsellor/psychotherapist | London

My name is Owen Newman. I'm an accredited psychotherapist experienced at helping to work through problems with anxiety, depression, anger, stress, OCD, self-confidence and motivation, change unwanted habits or patterns of behaviour and navigate pressures and conflicts in relationships and work life.

Owen Newman | Counselling & Psychotherapy 
| London NW3 & online

My approach is to provide a confidential, non-judgemental space where we can talk through your experiences to gain clarity and insight, and develop a plan of steps you can take to deal with problems in a way that brings you genuine change.

If you are experiencing any of the following issues, please call me on 07956 283 702 for a confidential conversation about how I can help you or email me at owen@owennewman.co.uk:

Problems with anxiety

Persistent worrying, uneasiness or fear that can be difficult to stop or control. This may be a general feeling or connected to particular issues including: feeling uncomfortable and having difficulty in certain situations with other people, for example, in relationships, socially, at work or in public; feeling overwhelmed by the demands of work or studies; having to deal with health problems; having problems with sleep; experiencing uncomfortable or disturbing physical symptoms in certain situations or having a panic attack.

Low mood & depression

Persistent or recurring periods of feeling low or sad and withdrawn. Dwelling on and finding it hard to come to terms with mistakes, failings, regrets, disappointments, rejection, loss or being badly treated. Loss of interest or pleasure in previously enjoyable activities. Feeling isolated or having difficulty relating to others. Lacking energy and motivation. Difficulty concentrating. Feeling empty or numb. Lacking a sense of meaning, purpose or direction. Feeling hopeless or helpless. Recurring thoughts about hurting yourself or suicide.

Relationship problems

Tending to get caught up in patterns of communication that increase conflict, distress or barriers. Problems relating to expectations not being met or reconciling differences in attitudes and values. Commitment issues. Not feeling supported or understood. Trust issues. Issues around sex and intimacy. Difficulty starting or maintaining relationships. Dealing with the break up or end of a relationship.

Difficulty managing frustration, conflict & anger

Difficulty with frustration or anger and ruminating or feeling resentful, for example, because you think others have behaved wrongly, you have been treated badly or inconsiderately, you have not been listened to or acknowledged, you have been unfairly judged or criticised, or you have been blocked or obstructed in some way. Getting caught up in confrontational ways of reacting that escalate conflict and have a negative impact on you and your relationships.

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

A recurring cycle of intrusive and disturbing thoughts or feelings leading to persistent worrying, ruminating, self-doubt, uncertainty and anxiety leading to an urge to get relief by repeatedly doing a particular activity or habit (a process you go through in your mind or something you physically do). This may bring short-term relief but doesn't work to stop the cycle in the long term.

Work-related stress

Work negatively impacting your health, well-being or relationships. Continually feeling overwhelmed because of the demands of work. Dealing with difficult people at work. Continually ruminating or worrying about work-related issues. Difficulty concentrating. Problems sleeping or relaxing. Experiencing mood swings or emotional outbursts. Losing confidence in yourself or your abilities. Relying on alcohol or drugs or engaging in unhealthy compulsive behaviours to help you cope. Persistent low mood or lack of motivation.

Self-esteem or self-confidence problems

Tending to see yourself in ways that have a negative impact on you, your relationships or your work life, for example, being very self-critical and feeling that you are not good enough or negatively comparing yourself to others. Having unhelpful perfectionistic tendencies or tending to overcompensate. Difficulty asserting your needs or opinions, or dealing with disagreements and confrontation. Avoiding situations because you don't feel confident or feel you may be negatively judged.

Problems with motivation or procrastination

Frequent or extended periods of difficulty finding the interest or energy to do everyday activities, start or complete work-related tasks, make or sustain changes in habits or routines, or consistently work towards longer-term goals. Habitually putting off starting a task or piece of work and/or becoming easily distracted while doing it and/or delaying finishing it despite knowing that doing so will have negative consequences.

Therapeutic approaches

I specialise in a combination of therapeutic approaches: Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Therapy (CT) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (MBCBT).

These are very effective evidence-based approaches in the tradition of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) with a focus on helping you take consistent steps towards positive change and remain resilient at difficult times. I work in an integrative and collaborative way, adapting these approaches to suit your individual needs and preferences. For more about CBT, click here.

Counselling and psychotherapy in London NW3


I'm available for appointments on weekdays, in the evenings and at weekends at my practice or online via webcam. I always aim to offer quick appointments.

Counselling and psychotherapy in London NW3

Sessions in NW3

My practice is on Finchley Road NW3 on the borders of Hampstead and West Hampstead. There is free parking nearby and it's well connected to public transport.

27 Avenue Mansions,
499 Finchley Road,
London NW3 7AX

Online sessions

I also work with many people online via webcam sessions. Phone sessions are also possible. Many people find this more convenient and like the flexibility of being able to have sessions from home, at work or while travelling, or to have a mix of sessions online and in person at my practice.

For more information...

To make an appointment for an initial session or to discuss your situation before booking a session, please call me for a free phone consultation on 07956 283 702 or email me at owen@owennewman.co.uk.

All conversations are confidential.

owennewman.co.uk owennewman.co.uk

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Owen Newman